
We are experiencing a complex and changing era of a pandemic that has involved physical distancing and the increasing use of technology for online communication. The analysis of the effects of this mediation is essential to understand the world that is being formed and the challenges that we will face as individuals and society.
Escuela de Artes Plásticas y Audivisuales BUAP (School of Plastic and Audiovisual Arts BUAP), in conjunction with the Society for Phenomenology and Media SPM, offer a series of Workshops with guests from 4 continents. The event itself will be an exercise in remote interaction, it will virtually bring together researchers and students from different areas, in order to establish a transdisciplinary and geographically relocated crossroads.
- Dimensionality in online aestheticsJunichiro Inutsuka, Jissen Women’s University, Japan and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.
- Women and media feminist perspective Duygu Onay Çöker, Ankara University, Turkey and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA
- Connectivity is not conversation Olya Kudina, Delf University, The Neterlands and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.
- Social distance, physical or mediated Pauline Olgibigui, Nigeria and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.
Inscripción para comunidad ARPA:
Cada taller tendrá una inscripción independiente, llene el formulario de inscripción.
Requisitos de inscripción:
- Ser estudiante, profesor o administrativo activo de la Escuela de Artes Plásticas y Audiovisuales.
- Llenar el formulario de inscripción.
- Aceptar el compromiso de asistencia, participación y desarrollo de todas las actividades en tiempo y forma que se plantean en el workshop.
Next Registration open for:
Women and media feminist perspective in online aesthetics
The button for registration is located in the information of the event in the workshops section. Registration available September 15th
Registration for SPM members and guests
An invitation was sent to your email address with information for the access to the workshops and process.
The workshops will be led by Dr. Paul Majkut. Each one will have the participation of a visiting professor; Professors from four continents have been invited. The workshops will bring together students from the invited universities: Japan, Turkey, the Netherlands and Nigeria.

Dimensionality in online aesthetics
Junichiro Inutsuka, Jissen Women’s University, Japan and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.

Duration: 2 hours
Date: Monday, September 14th at 6:00 p.m. in Mexico (GMT-5)
Tuesday, September 15th at 8:00 a.m. in Tokyo
Monday, September 14th at 4:00 p.m. in California
Registration close to this workshop
Abstract: A discussion of two aspects of “dimension” applied to On-line Aesthetics: (a) sensation and perception; further discussion into qualities of the visual representation of sound, especially the synesthetic feature of sensation is considered: Vision as touch, vision as “grasping.” Vision as hearing, hearing as “grasping.” (b) the aspects of length, width, depth, and time in the sensation of the on-line photographic images is discussed: the dimension of depth and its representation online; the dimension of time is discussed in terms of movement and duration.

Women and media feminist perspective
Duygu Onay Çöker, TED University, Turkey and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.

Duration: 2 hours
Date: Thursday, October 1th at 10:00 am. in Mexico (GMT-5)
Wednesday, September 30 th at 6:00 pm. in Istanbul
Thursday, October 1th at 8:00 am. in California
Abstract: In media, all objective reality is representational, but the representation of women in media has assumed an exaggerated conventionalization that not only stereotypes women’s roles in society, but “creates” them as “stock characters” in a fictional and idealized story that reinforces a subaltern role in everyday life. Women are mediated objects, but their representation is unique. There are various feminist perspectives on women in media. This workshop discusses the question of women in media from various feminist perspectives, including second wave and third wave feminist, French and American feminism, as well as specific references to contemporary national circumstances.

Connectivity is not conversation
Olya Kudina, Delft University, The Neterlands and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.

Duration: 2 hours
Date:Friday, October 16th at 10:00 am. in Mexico (GMT-5)
Friday, October 16th at 5:00 pm in Amsterdam
Friday, October 16th at 8:00 am. in California
Abstract: Online connectivity is generally confused with unmediated, person-to-person conversation, but connectivity and conversation are radically different human experiences. Language is the essence of what it is to be human. It is precisely language that makes us human–and language is the place in which human empathy is learned. Electronic connectivity, in most circumstances, produces a counterfeit empathy and replaces the intersubjective experience of being together with a mechanical interactivity experience.

Social distance, physical or mediated
Pauline Olgibigui, Nigeria and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.

Duration: 2 hours
Date: Tuesday, November 3th at 10:00 am. in Mexico (GMT-5)
Tuesday, November 3th at 5:00 pm in Nigeria
Tuesday, November 3th at 8:00 am. in California
Registration available October 15
Abstract: The COVID pandemic has imposed the necessity of physical distance on humanity and elevated the use of on-line “closeness” on us all, but we ignore the mediated distance that the Internet has already imposed on the world. The concept of “distance” is explored in this workshop–its literal and metaphoric meanings and how various terms can distract humanity from its problems. The dangers and benefits inherent in both forms of distancing are discussed. Is “distance” confused with “closeness”?

Paul Majkut
National University, La Jolla California. USA.
Professor of Literature and Philosophy at the National University, he researches about media change and is actively involved in the fight against racism, fascism and anarcho-libertarianism. He is a founding member and secretary of the Society for Phenomenology and Media, has been recognized by UNESCO and the Fulbright commission.

Junichiro Inutsuka
Jissen Women’s University, Japan
Junichiro Inutsuka, Professor of Jissen Women’s University in Tokyo, teaching philosophy and mediology. He is researching the mesological approach to revive humanity, focusing on the quest for the mutual recovery of human being and environment (natural and social), or rather, with the understanding that humans are nothing but mutual relationships. In recent years, He has been studying the ontology of visual arts with own art of photography as a prise/hold.

Duygu Onay Çöker
TED University, Turkey
Duygu Onay-Coker received her PhD in Journalism and master’s degree in Systematic Philosophy and Logic at Ankara University. As a visiting scholar she conducted her research on media ethics and philosophy of Paul Ricoeur in Boston College with Professor Richard Kearney. She teaches in and is the Coordinator of the Communication and Critical Media Studies Secondary Field at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at TED University, Ankara. Her areas of specialization are Journalism Ethics, Critical Discourse Analysis, Paul Ricoeur Philosophy, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology, Gender and Media

Olya Kudina
Delft University, The Neterlands
Olya Kudina is a postdoctoral researcher in the ethics of technology at TU Delft (the Netherlands), where she explores the relation between technologies and value change. Olya is particularly interested in the way AI-powered voice technologies, such as Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri, change the values of communication and interaction. She defended her PhD at the University of Twente in 2019, examining the way technologies co-shape human values and mediate the meaning-making processes. Olya favors empirically informed philosophy as a research method. Her research interests span across the fields of ethics of emerging technologies, (post)phenomenology, hermeneutics, bioethics, and design.
Obiageli Ohiagu Pauline
University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Oby Pauline Ohiagu is a Senior Lecturer in Communication at the University of Port Harcourt (Nigeria). Her research interests include digital and corporate communication. In both areas she has published a number of scholarly articles and books that make an intersection of how digital forms of communication impact on the society generally and corporate bodies in particular.
Monday, September 14th at 6:00 p.m. Mexico (GMT-5)
Dimensionality in online aesthetics
Junichiro Inutsuka, Jissen Women’s University, Japan and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.
Thursday, October 1th at 10:00 am. Mexico (GMT-5)
Women and media feminist perspective
Duygu Onay Çöker, Ankara University, Turkey and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.
Friday, October 16th at 10:00 am. Mexico (GMT-5)
Connectivity is not conversation
Olya Kudina, Delf University, The Neterlands and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.
Tuesday, November 3th at 10:00 am. Mexico (GMT-5)
Social distance, physical or mediated
Pauline Olgibigui, Nigeria and Paul Majkut National University, La Jolla California. USA.